Meet the Dream Team From Behind the Scenes

The idea behind creating a blog centered around teenage guys’ fashion can be traced back to sometime around late August of 2015. I was a senior in high school when a friend of mine brought it up, and I laughed them off saying it could never actually become a thing. Obviously, I could not have been more wrong. Since that moment, Optimal Outfits has grown from one kid ranting about the state of Midwestern high school fashion, to something that much greater.  I’ve gone through different photographers, locations, schools, and life in general; but the driving force of the blog has never left.

I’ve expanded the group who makes every article happen from just my neighbor (who doubled as my photographer and close friend) and I to an ensemble of photographers and an editor now. It doesn’t seem like much, but it’s made my life significantly easier. Maybe one day I’ll even have someone who can do my job for me!

Below you’ll find the masthead of my group and short bios for each of us. I hope you enjoy our work and keep coming back for more.

The Dream Team


Sid Rana: Creator of the blog, writer (and model)                            

_dsc2520When I was a boy, my mom forced me to dress nicely. A decade ago, that meant long sleeve polos, shorts that hit the knee, and close cropped hair.

After growing up a bit, I took that job from her and grew into something greater. I’m probably just as likely to wear black-and-white monochrome as I am to wear boots, chinos and a button down.

If you ever want to spot me on campus, look for the guy who’s been wearing the same pair of jeans for days now. Or just pop off your earbuds and try to hear the person repeating the same lame jokes for years now.

Domitius Jarrouj: Copy editor

Dom used to be my best friend and live 0.25 miles away from me. But all that changed  when he moved to Canada. Now he’s over in Vancouver enjoying affordable health care and college while I’m still stuck in St. Louis. Occasionally he comes home for a bit and we have fun together. Until then, he passes his time editing my thoughts. 

Kate Wardenburg: The WashU Photographer

Processed with VSCO with g3 preset

Hi, my name is Kate! During the day I can be found acting as Sid’s lab partner, but after class I double as his amateur photographer! I like to dabble in photography and cinematography in my free time, and while on vacation.

While I can’t say much about my personal style beyond the occasional pinterest-inspired look, I can say that my array of homemade star wars costumes is simply sublime!

Gracen Seim: The Back Home Photographer

@Gracie when you read this help me out with a bio please 🙂

Mayur Khanna: Sometimes he shows up 

Technically, Mayur’s my neighbor and OG photographer. But then he made new friends and disappeared. It’s been rumored he runs the SLU photography club and is almost a professional now.


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